This loan has been repaid in full!
First Posted On: August 11, 2009
Name: Arthur
Age: 10 years old
Location: Vermont, USA
Diagnosis: Autism
Loan Sought: $520
Loan Needed For: Mindlinx probiotic (12 month supply, $300); HMD chelator ($178); and Source Naturals Attentive Child (6 month supply, $42).
Repayment Terms: One lump sum in March 2010.
Other Notes: Arthur's mom, Jenn, writes: "Arthur has come so far in the last year since starting biomedical treatments. He's off all pharmaceuticals except the ADHD medicine, which we want to try to eliminate this year. He's so much more social and outgoing since starting biomedical. He still loves dinosaurs but he's also started playing video games, and sleeping in (oh no here comes a preteen LOL)!!!
I would use this loan to buy a 12 month supply of the probiotic Mindlinx that his DAN! [Defeat Autism Now] doctor recommends, and a supply of the chelator he also recommends to start heavy metal detox. We would also like to try using the Source Natural vitamin formula for ADHD and see if we could get him off the final pharmaceutical medicine he's on."
Special Notes: Arthur received a Lend4Health loan last year (August 2008) when he had just started biomedical treatments. That loan was paid off in full, and the repayment was made early. Click HERE to read about Arthur's first loan request.
Reference Provided By: References are not required for second-time Lend4Health families who are in good standing.
Arthur's Community of Lenders:
Petra (Salamander & Potatey's mom): $5 ["Just because, right now, I can."]
Bahar: $5 ["I am 7 years old. My mommy started Lend4Health. I hope you feel better soon!"]
Noel: $15 [Re-loan from Jason's repaid loan.]
Grandma Gini: $65 ["In memory of my wonderful friend, Vicki Hess, who would have been 65 years old on September 2, 2009. Vicki loved animals, just like you, Arthur."]
Charlie: $5 ["Happy Cinco de Linco"]
Patty: $10 [Cinco de Linco]
Grandma Gini (again): $5 ["Happy Cinco de Linco from the Land of Lincoln"]
Petra (again): $5 ["Happy Cinco de Linco. Treatment IS possible, enormous progress CAN be made!!!"]
Grandma Gini (again): $13 ["Happy Grandparents' Day on September 13!"]
Karen F: $5
Grandma Gini (again): $16 ["To celebrate Anna Smith's 16th birthday on Sept. 22, 2009. She loves horses!"]
Bonnie: $5 [Re-loan from Jaden's repaid loan]
Allie: $6 ["Cinco de Linco"]
Jeanne: $5 ["Happy Cinco de Linco!"]
Renee: $5 ["Cinco de Linco"]
Petra (again): $10 ["Cinco de Linco"]
Diane: $25
Noel (again): $40 [Re-loan from Sabrina's repaid loan.]
Evan & Lisa: $5
Jennifer M: $10 ["Good luck, Jenn!"]
Grandma Gini (again): $41 ["Celebrating the 4lst season of THE BAD ACTORS"]
Evan & Lisa (again): $5
Diane (again): $50 ["Funds from repayment of Geoffrey's loan."]
Jeanne (again): $44.30 [Re-loan from Geoffrey's repaid loan.]
Jan: $52.13
Joan: $25
Jan (again): $43
October 19, 2009: This loan has been fully funded!
October 20, 2009: Promissory note sent to Jenn for signature.
October 21, 2009: Signed promissory note received.
October 21, 2009: Loan of $520.43 disbursed via check in the mail. This loan is scheduled to be repaid in one lump-sum by March 31, 2010.
October 21, 2009: Thank you from Jenn: "Thank you so much. This means the world to us. I feel like we have an extended family out there, people who care about Arthur's health as much as we do!"
March 1, 2010: Lump-sum repayment received, one month early. This loan has been repaid in full!
March 5, 2010: Loans have been repaid to all lenders via PayPal.
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