This loan has been repaid in full!
First Posted On: September 19, 2009
Name: Logan
Age: 11 years old
Location: Florida, USA
Diagnosis: Autism
Loan Sought: $500
Loan Needed For: Costs related to National Autism Association (NAA) Conference in Weston, Florida, in November. Costs include registration for Logan's dad, Michael, ($100); hotel expenses for 3 days ($200); meals for Logan's parents for 3 days ($100); and gas ($100). Note: Logan's mom, Penny, has received a full scholarship for her registration to the conference.
Repayment Terms: One lump-sum by March 31, 2010.
Other Notes: Logan's mom, Penny, writes, "We learned so much at the first conference that we attended a few years ago that helped us on journey to help Logan. We look forward to learning even more new and exciting advances in biomedical treatment that we can use not only to help Logan complete his recovery, but also to help other parents we know who have just received an autism diagnosis for their children."
Special Note: This is the second Lend4Health loan for Logan's family. Their first loan was repaid on-time. You can read about their first loan HERE.
Reference Provided By: References are not needed for second-time Lend4Health families who are in good standing.
Logan's Community of Lenders:
Tiffany (Sevyn's mom): $7 ["From Sevyn and Grey Wishing you a safe journey and a very informative conference! blessings~"]
Noel: $25 [Re-loaned from Jaden's repaid loan.]
Jeanne: $5 ["Happy Cinco de Linco!"]
Noel (again): $5 ["Cinco de Linco"]
Grandma Gini: $5 ["Happy Cinco de Linco from the Land of Lincoln"]
Renee: $5 ["Cinco de Linco"]
Jane: $25
Evan & Lisa: $10
Katherine (Adam's mom): $25 ["I'm hoping this gets funded, I feel it is a WONDERFUL investment to educate the parents!!! Best regards"]
Kristin: $25
Recovering Nicholas: $20 ["Good Luck! Enjoy the conference! Hope you learn lots of great information to help your child!"]
Julie: $100 ["Have a great time at the conference! I know you'll "return and report" and spread the knowledge you get from there!"]
Petra: $23 ["Start getting Michael registered and book that hotel. We will get you there!!"]
Jeanne (again): $10
Anonymous: $10
Renee (again): $10
Karen F: $20
Dana C: $5
Evan & Lisa (again): $20
Dhun: $10
Jeanne (again): $25
Dana C (again): $5 ["Happy Cinco de Linco!"]
Karen F (again): $10 ["Early Cinco de Linco!"]
November 4, 2009: Comment from the National Autism Association: "Penny, NAA is happy to grant a scholarship to your husband - no need to collect that $100 that's left now! Thanks to all who helped this family!" So this loan is FUNDED! Thank you, NAA!
November 5, 2009: Promissory note sent to Penny for signature.
November 5, 2009: Signed promissory note received.
November 5, 2009: Loan of $405 disbursed via PayPal. This loan is scheduled to be repaid in one lump sum on March 31, 2010.
November 14, 2009: Thank you from Penny: "Thank you so much for your loan to help send Michael and I to the NAA conference. As I sit here on Day 2 of the conference, I am overwhelmed by your generosity. We have already learned several things that we are anxious to try for Logan to help him. Rest assured that you have changed not only our lives forever but several other autism families as well. May the Lord bless you abundantly. I can not thank you enough. Please visit our blog to see what the Lord has planned for us in the future. God Bless, Penny"
March 31, 2010: Loan of $405 repaid in full! This repayment was on-time.
March 31, 2010: Thank you from Penny: "Thank you all so much for your loan. We learned so much [at the NAA conference] that not only benefited Logan but others as well. I encourage you to re-lend to another needy child. Thanks and God Bless! Penny"
April 5, 2010: All lenders have been repaid their original loan amounts via PayPal.
Thanks everyone! We are looking forward to learning so much and to helping not only Logan but other parents as well. God is good all the time!
Penny, NAA is happy to grant a scholarship to your husband - no need to collect that $100 that's left now! Please respond at Thanks to all who helped this family!
Hi Penny! I am glad to see your loan was fulfilled!!! I look forward to meeting you at the conference!
God bless!
Tammy Lynne
Penny, I was just coming on to see how you were doing with the funding!! Yah! God is good!!!
Kathy Darrow
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