This loan has been paid back in full!
Alec enjoying some GFCF [gluten-free, casein-free] cake at his sister's birthday.
First Posted On: February 15, 2009
Name: Alec S.
Age: 4 years old
Diagnosis: Autism, mild
Loan Sought: $500 [reduced from original amnt. of $871]
Loan Needed For: A variety of needs: (1) Follow-up appointment with Dr. Margot Weinberg in Pittsford, NY (an Integrative Pediatrician who has some DAN! training): $100; (2) Comprehensive Diagnostic Stool Analysis test: $125; (3) April DAN! conference registration ($65/day rate x 3 days): $195; (4) Bulk GFCF food order on $60 -- organic Tinkyada pasta
Repayment Terms: 18 months (~ $27.78/month)
Other Notes: Alec's mom, Christina, writes, "Alec was diagnosed with Autism in September 2007, before turning 3 years old. Right after we received his diagnosis, Jenny McCarthy was on Oprah, and that sparked my curiosity about what I could do to unlock my son from his "fog." From that point, I have been on a quest to recover him. Switching him to a GFCF [gluten-free casein-free] diet saved his digestive system, and lifted the brain fog/opiate effect. Family, friends, and therapists all saw the drastic changes in him, within weeks. With the help of some "mentor moms," I started this diet and then moved on to supplements. Cod Liver Oil (CLO) gave Alec his motor skill. A year of therapy could not do what CLO did in less than a week! As we have added other supplements, we have seen more improvement! We are full-time-working parents, and are really stretching it with the budget. We have had to slow down with many of his supplements, and the special diet food has become harder to afford. Most of all, there is testing that I really would like to see run on him to uncover what his underlying issues are. A testament to Alec's recovery can best be summed up with this: when his little sister Dayna was born, he didn't even know she was in the house. We started biomedical interventions when she was 5 months old. Today, Dayna has brought out the best in Alec, and it's a joy to see them play together."
Special Note: Christina is the Founder and Chair of DANIA (Dietary and Natural Interventions for Autism). She says, "My biomedical journey with Alec inspired me to form a local support group (DANIA) in the Central New York area. There are many parents using biomedical interventions, but no one was getting together for support. It started up in July 2008, and with the help of some dedicated volunteers, has become a great source of information and support. We meet on a bi-weekly basis and often have guest speakers from the community. It feels so good to spread the knowledge!" Christina also blogs about her experiences on "Our Healing Journey of Autism Spectrum." [read it HERE]
Reference Provided By: Kari F. and Kim O.
Alec's Community of Lenders:
Petra: $14 ["Happy Belated Valentine's Day! This loan was re-loaned from Alani's repaid loan."]
Kari: $48.25
Cathleen: $35
Bonnie: $5
Petra (again): $5 ["In remembrance of those who could not be saved, Dedicated to those who can."]
Amanda: $25 ["I'm so proud of you Alec! You are awesome! We love you! Love Aunt Mandy, Uncle Dennis, Grace and Sophie"]
Karen: $10
Christina received a $100 gift (not a loan) from her friend, Judy. The ChipIn goal will be reduced by $100, and this amount will not be included in the site statistics. ["Christina - I have high hopes for continued success!"]
Diane: $20 ["Funds from repayment of Sam's loan!]
Karen (again): $5 [Cinco de Linco Day loan]
Jeanne: $5 ["Happy Cinco de Linco Day!"]
Michael & Debbie: $25
Tori: $5 ["Cinco de Linco!!"]
Petra: $5 ["Happy Cinco de Linco"]
Renee: $5 [Cinco de Linco loan made via new "Cinco de Linco Quick Loan" button. Not reflected in ChipIn, so ChipIn goal has been reduced by $5]
Dana: $5 [Cinco de Linco loan made via new "Cinco de Linco Quick Loan" button. Not reflected in ChipIn, so ChipIn goal has been reduced by $5]
Summit to Sea: $25
Wendi and Matt: $5 "In honor of Mason." [Cinco de Linco loan made via new "Cinco de Linco Quick Loan" button. Not reflected in ChipIn, so ChipIn goal has been reduced by $5]
Jeanne (again): $5 [Cinco de Linco! Made outside of ChipIn, so ChipIn goal has been reduced by $5]
Karen: $5 "Happy to be able to help!" [Cinco de Linco loan made via new "Cinco de Linco Quick Loan" button. Not reflected in ChipIn, so ChipIn goal has been reduced by $5]
Cara: $5 [Cinco de Linco loan made via new "Cinco de Linco Quick Loan" button. Not reflected in ChipIn, so ChipIn goal has been reduced by $5]
Rebecca: $10 [Cinco de Linco]
Michelle: $10 [Cinco de Linco]
Karen: $5 [re-loaned from Julian's repaid loan!] This loan was made outside of ChipIn, so the ChipIn goal amount has been reduced by $5.
Jeanne: $13 ["$13 on the 13th!"]
Andy: $100
March 13, 2009: Alec's loan has been fully funded! The total Lend4Health loan amount is $400.25 (an additional $100 was received as a gift outside of Lend4Health). The monthly payments over 18 months will be ~$22.23/month.
March 14, 2009: Note from Christina:I want to extend our family's deepest gratitude for how you all came together to help Alec! We are going through a rough financial time now, yet I managed to raise the funds necessary to attend the DAN (Defeat Autism Now) conference next month in Atlanta, and this loan helped to complete my effort! I am excited to go and expand on my knowledge, to help Alec and other kids like him.
Thanks again for providing the ability to continue supplements, testing, and doctor guidance that we otherwise would have to put on our already over-extended credit cards...
Christina and family
March 15, 2009: Promissory note sent to Christina for signature.
March 20, 2009: Signed promissory note received.
March 23, 2009: Loan of $400.25 sent to Christina via post. Repayment installments will be $22.22/month starting May 1, 2009, and ending on October 1, 2010. The final payment (Oct 2010) will be $22.51.
April 9, 2009: Update: "With the Lend4Health loan, I was able to pay for the Atlanta DAN conference registration. Alec's Integrative Pediatrician has shipped us a CDSA stool test, and once we get the results, she will be doing his follow-up appointment!
Thanks again to everyone!
Christina Stearns & family"
April 24, 2009: First loan repayment installment received; one week early.
June 1, 2009: Second loan repayment installment received; on-time.
June 26, 2009: Update from Christina: "The results from Alec's follow-up CDSA [comprehensive diagnostic stool analysis] testing came back, and showed that Alec is moving in a positive direction! We are now incorporating some different probiotics and trace minerals into his program, along with a wonderful sleep aid called EndoPlus. Things are progressing, and we hope to see more as Alec begins ABA [applied behavior analysis] Therapy next week! Sincerely, Christina"
July 1, 2009: Third loan repayment installment received, on-time.
July 14, 2009: One of the lenders, Kari, paid off the balance on this loan as a gift to Christina. Kari wrote, "Christina has helped me tremendously with her friendship and guidance both with Autism related matters, and recently through a very difficult tragedy I have been going through. I now have an ability to help, so I would love to pay it forward to her. I don't know what I would do without her. My oldest son is also Autistic and I know all too well the financial struggles involved. Your site is such an amazing help to the autism community. Please accept the portion of the loan that I lent originally as a donation to your services as well."
July 14, 2009: 4th loan repayment installment received, early.
July 14, 2009: 5th loan repayment installment received, early.
July 14, 2009: 6th loan repayment installment received, early.
July 14, 2009: 7th loan repayment installment received, early.
July 14, 2009: 8th loan repayment installment received, early.
July 14, 2009: 9th loan repayment installment received, early.
July 14, 2009: 10th loan repayment installment received, early.
July 14, 2009: 11th loan repayment installment received, early.
July 14, 2009: 12th loan repayment installment received, early.
July 14, 2009: 13th loan repayment installment received, early.
July 14, 2009: 14th loan repayment installment received, early.
July 14, 2009: 15th loan repayment installment received, early.
July 14, 2009: 16th loan repayment installment received, early.
July 14, 2009: 17th loan repayment installment received, early.
July 14, 2009: 18th loan repayment installment received, early.
July 15, 2009: Original loan amounts have been repaid to all lenders via PayPal.
October 25, 2009: Update from Christina, posted on her blog (CLICK HERE).
Thank you so much, Petra!
Thank you to Kari and Cathleen too! :) -Christina
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