This loan has been repaid!

First Posted On: October 29, 2008
Name: Sam
Age: 11
Diagnosis: PDD-NOS [pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified]
Loan Sought: $131
Loan Needed For: Anxiousness/Nervousness Basic Testing
Repayment Terms: 3 months (~ $44/month)
Other Notes: Sam's mom, Nancy, writes: "Sam is an amazing kid who has come a long way. Sam was born with his cord in a knot at birth and suffered oxygen deprivation. Sam was diagnosed PDD-NOS at the age of 4 and has been in speech, OT [occupational therapy], and PT [physical therapy] since he was 3. He recently finished a series of 40 HBOT [hyperbaric oxygen treatment] dives and his teacher said he's a different child. He has an amazing sense of humor and loves trains. Sam still has trouble regulating his emotions and has a difficult time communicating. Sam's doctor [Dr. Demio] wants to run this test to determine Sam's hormone levels, especially since Sam will be entering puberty soon." Nancy is President of the Autism Society of America - Dayton Chapter. Sam has a 17-year old brother and a 16-year old sister.
Loans Received as of 10:00am Friday, October 31, 2008
Petra: $11
Jan: $66
Dana C.: $10
Diane: $20
Jan: $24
Amount Loaned: $131
Amount Still Needed to Receive Loan: $0!!!
Promissory Note received.
December 1, 2008: Loan disbursed via PayPal
December 31, 2008: 1st loan repayment of $43.67 received, one day early.
December 31, 2008: Update from Sam's mom, Nancy: "The [anxiousness/nervousness basic] test has been collected and mailed away. I will let you know when I get results. Thanks! Happy New Year!" Check out Nancy's blog for more information on Sam and their autism journey --> We Band of Mothers.
February 1, 2009: 2nd loan repayment of $43.67 received, on-time.
February 1, 2009: Update from Nancy: "Sam is great lately. It's the two teenagers that are about to do me in. I launched our walk website today, check it out:" [Note: The "Sam B. Team" for the walk is HERE.]
March 1, 2009: 3rd loan repayment of $43.66 received, on-time.
March 1, 2009: This loan has been fully repaid. This family is in good standing on Lend4Health and is, therefore, eligible to apply for another loan if they so choose.
March 2, 2009: The original loan amounts have been repaid to Sam's lenders via PayPal.
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