First Posted On: October 22, 2008
Type: Friends and Family Loan (click HERE to learn more about this!)
Name: Charlie
Age: 7 years old
Diagnosis: Autism
Loan Sought: $110
Loan Needed For: One UTM (Urine Toxic Metals) test.
Repayment Terms: 1 month (1 payment in full)
Other Notes: To our family and friends:
As you know by now, Charlie is the poster child for biomedical interventions. I know you all remember when we first started down this path three years ago, he was non-verbal, wearing diapers, and exhibiting severe behavioral issues. As you are aware, today he is functioning exceedingly well in a mainstream/typical 1st grade classroom (no aide), potty trained, and talking up a storm.
Thanks to biomedical interventions, and your past generosity, Charlie is indistinguishable from his peers; however, being indistinguishable from his peers doesn't change the fact that Charlie still has medical issues we need to treat.
Our next course of action is to check for toxins and on how well Charlie's body is able to rid itself of them. Our DAN! doctor [Georgia Davis, M.D.] would like us to do two UTM (Urine Toxic Metals) tests, one now and one in about a month.
Michael and I are able to pay for one test but could use the help of our family to pay for the second test. We appreciate any help you can offer and will repay your loan as quickly as possible.
All of our love and thanks,
Jeanne, Michael, and Charlie
Loans Received as of 11:00pm (pacific) Friday, October 24, 2008
Petra: $10
Henry: $50
Jan: $50
Amount Loaned: $110
Amount Still Needed to Receive Loan: $0
October 24, 2008: Promissory note sent to Jeanne for signature.
October 25, 2008: Signed promissory note received.
October 25, 2008: Loan for $110 sent via PayPal.
November 6, 2008: Full repayment of $110 received via PayPal.
November 6, 2008: Original loan amounts repaid to lenders via PayPal.
THIS LOAN CYCLE IS NOW COMPLETE! (and it's the first on Lend4Health! Woo Hoo!
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