
Thank You for Your Support!

Thank you to everybody who took the time to vote for Lend4Health to win the $10,000 prize on Ideablob.com this month, and for those who also encouraged others to do the same through your blog posts, yahoo group posts, emails, Facebook posts, and good ol' word of mouth. Alas, we did not win, but we did get the word out to a bunch of people that Lend4Health exists and that biomedical treatments for autism exist. And that, in itself, is a very powerful accomplishment.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your hard work and effort on behalf of Lend4Health. As you all know, this is a totally volunteer-run thing, and there are times when I get tired or wonder if what I'm doing is worth it. Then I get an email from somebody or a new loan request, or somebody swoops in to lend $20 to a child, and I know it is worth all the late nights!

I have many, many ideas for Lend4Health -- ideas to take it a lot further than what it currently is. I am considering various ways to get funding to make Lend4Health my full-time (or at least part-time) job so that I can really focus on this and still get to bed before 2am! hahaha :) I want you to know that, even if I am slow to respond to an email or slow to post a new loan, I am still here for you! :)

Thank you so much for all your work and contributions and positive words. It really means a lot to me.

Tori :)

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