This loan is past-due.

First Posted: May 18, 2010
Name: CJP
Age: 4 years old
Location: Ohio, USA
Diagnosis: Autism
Loan Sought: $540 [Loan of $565 was collected.]
Loan Needed For: One 1-hour appointment with DAN! doctor ($240) and recommended supplements ($300).
Repayment Terms: 12 monthly payments ($47.08/month)
Other Notes: CJP's mom, Keely, writes, "This is my son CJP. He was diagnosed with Autism at 20 months of age. He started regressing at 15-16 months old. He had been saying 4 or 5 words, looking through books, and imitating. Then all of a sudden he stopped doing all those things and become a child that cried 24-7, lived in his own world if you will. He began flapping his arms, squealing, not speaking! Then came the stimming, and lots of it. So we finally started a home ABA [applied behavior analysis] team. That was not consistent enough for him, so we decided to find him a center where he could get 30-35 hours per week of ABA. That is where he is now, and he is getting ready to start extra speech therapy and a feeding clinic in a few weeks.
We just had our first DAN! doctor appointment and the first set of tests (OAT, Urine Toxic, Microbial Oats) done through Great Plains and Doctors Data labs. We will see the doctor again in a few weeks to find out the results and see what lists of supplements and vitamins he places him on. He has already mentioned placing CJP on a special diet, which is so costly.
With the biomedical treatment, we truly feel that by getting out the toxins and bad things in his body and supplementing good things back in, he will become healthy again and be able to learn at a normal level. We are trying to do all that we can to make our son, CJP, better. With your help maybe we can.
This loan would help us out tremendously! My husband had to quit his job (back in January) so that he can take our son to his therapy appointments that are all over an hour away (drives that 2 times each day). I stay home with our other son who is almost 1 year old and attend Nursing School. CJP is a very sweet, intelligent little boy who just needs some extra help getting him back to his old self, the CJP we knew... before Autism!"
Reference Provided By: Courtney G., Camellia S., and the office of Dr. Demio.
CJP's Community of Lenders:
Kathleen B: $5
Elizabeth: $50
Grandma Gini: $10 ["Celebrates the l3th wedding anniversary of T & C, May 27, 2010. CHEERS!!!"]
Dana (Andrew's mom): $5
Bonnie (Jaden C's mom): $5
Karen F: $5 [Cinco de Linco]
Grandma Gini (again): $5 [Happy Cinco de Linco]
Karen T: $5 [Cinco de Linco]
Grandma Gini (again): $10 ["Celebrates the l6th birthday of Alex Clay June l8, 20l0 CHEERS!!!"]
Karen F (again): $5 [Cinco de Linco]
Dr. Matt: $100
Kathleen S: $50
Petra: $10 ["Happy cinco de Linco (a bit late..)"]
Karen (Ben's mom): $25
Grandma Gini (again): $232 [Rolled over from Will's closed loan]
Karen (Ben's mom, again): $18
Martha: $25
August 5, 2010: This loan has been funded! The loan amount collected was $565.
August 5, 2010: Promissory note sent to CJP's mom, Keely, for signature.
August 6, 2010: Signed promissory note received.
August 6, 2010: Loan of $565 disbursed to Keely via check in the mail. This loan is scheduled to be repaid over 12 months, beginning on October 1, 2010.
July 1, 2011: The 1st installment of $47.08 (due October 1, 2010) has been marked past-due.
July 1, 2011: The 2nd installment of $47.08 (due November 1, 2010) has been marked past-due.
July 1, 2011: The 3rd installment of $47.08 (due December 1, 2010) has been marked past-due.
July 1, 2011: The 4th installment of $47.08 (due January 1, 2011) has been marked past-due.
July 1, 2011: The 5th installment of $47.08 (due February 1, 2011) has been marked past-due.
July 1, 2011: The 6th installment of $47.08 (due March 1, 2011) has been marked past-due.
July 1, 2011: The 7th installment of $47.08 (due April 1, 2011) has been marked past-due.
July 1, 2011: The 8th installment of $47.08 (due May 1, 2011) has been marked past-due.
July 1, 2011: The 9th installment of $47.08 (due June 1, 2011) has been marked past-due.
1 comment:
Thank you all SO much for donating to my son Christian, (CJP)!
It looks like he is well on his way to getting started on new Bio~Medical therapy's thanks to all of you.
Many blessings to all you! I really appreciate all of your help.
~Christian's mother,
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