
Make a Microloan for 7-yr old Milo's Health!

This loan has been fully funded, but it has not been disbursed because the family cannot be reached.

First Posted: August 7, 2009

Name: Milo

Age: 7 years old

Location: Oregon, USA

Diagnosis: Autism

Loan Sought: $1,500

Loan Needed For: Partial payment of 40 HBOT [hyperbaric oxygen treatment] dives at California Hyperbarics.

Repayment Terms: 18 months ($83.33/month)

Other Notes: Milo's mom, Kathy, writes, "Milo is a fabulous seven year old. He loves to build, play with his friends, and is currently in a general education classroom in kindergarten. Milo has come a long way since his original diagnosis as "low functioning autism." We believe that Milo is on his way to recovery and the HBOT [hyperbaric oxygen treatment] is a major contributor to that recovery. We are requesting a loan in the amount of $1,500. We want to take Milo to California Hyberbarics for 40 HBOT dives (total cost of $4,500). This loan will help us pay for a portion of the full amount needed. Last summer Milo did 40 dives and we saw tremendous results. He gained language, social skills, and was more cognizant. Milo will benefit tremendously from more dives this year!!! He knows that HBOT helps him and has repeatedly asked to 'Go back to the chamber.' We would like to repeat the protocol this year but, being a family with limited financial resources (like many many families with children on the spectrum), we need help."

Special Notes: (1) Kathy learned about Lend4Health from Autism Free Zone. (2) Milo's doctor is Dr. John Green at The Evergreen Center.

Reference Provided By: Sue D. and Dee H.

Milo's Community of Lenders:

>> John: $10
>> Grandma Gini: $186
>> Jackie: $20
>> Petra (Salamander & Potatey's mom): $45
>> Karen F: $90
>> Jeanne & Charlie: $99
>> Jennifer P: $37
>> Hank: $10
>> Renee: $25
>> Martha: $20
>> Carolyn: $25
>> Evan & Lisa: $25
>> Dhun: $20
>> Robin & Milo: $5
>> Julia: $30
>> Laurie: $10
>> Jessica P: $15
>> Michaela & Jaafar: $15
>> Dana C: $20
>> Bob & Joyce: $25
>> Tiffany (Sevyn's mom): $7
>> Margaret: $50
>> Jack R: $20
>> Diane: $50
>> Kristina (Jordan's mom): $10
>> Karen T: $25
>> Katherine (Adam's mom): $25
>> Bonnie (Jaden C's mom): $5
>> MaryBeth: $10 ["In Memory of Mason www.largerthanlife-masonnance.blogspot.com"]
>> Penny (Logan's mom): $10
>> Noel: $45
>> Joan F: $5
>> SpectrumHope.com: $20
>> Lee: $100
>> Jennifer W: $20
>> Patricia S: $80
>> Jeannette: $27
>> Lori: $44
>> Kathy B: $35
>> Shirley: $5
>> Jana: $11
>> Dr. Matt: $100
>> Marcy: $10
>> Carson's family: $10
>> Sheryl: $10
>> Anonymous: $26


August 5, 2010: This loan has been fully funded!!!

December 7, 2010: After several attempts at contacting this family, it has been decided that this loan will be closed. The lenders have been contacted and given various options on what to do with the funds they loaned to Milo's family, including withdrawing the funds or rolling them over to another child.

1 comment:

Tiffany(sevyn's mom) said...

I don't know where you are in Oregon, but I know a DAN! doctor with an HBOT chamber here in Eugene who would see your son for $35 dollars a session!! If you're driving all the way to California and spending thousands on HBOT you might want to consider giving this a try and saving some $$. IF you're interested give him a call and tell him your story! He's helped us so very much!! Best of luck to you in your journey to optimal health!
Dr. Matt Freedman
Pure Life Chiropractic, LLC
1000 Willagillespie Road
Suite 100
Eugene, Oregon 97401
(541) 343- KNEE (5633)
