
Make a Microloan for 4-yr old Will's Health!

This loan request was closed on 8/4/10, without being fully funded, at the request of Will's mom. Please see the "Updates" section below for more information!

First Posted On: July 22, 2009

Name: Will

Age: 4 years old

Location: Calgary, Alberta, CANADA

Diagnosis: No formal diagnosis

Loan Sought: $5,200

Loan Needed For: Initial DAN! [Defeat Autism Now!] doctor visit plus all initial tests. Their DAN! doctor will be Bruce Hoffman at The Hoffman Centre for Integrative Medicine in Calgary.

Repayment Terms: 18 months ($288.89/month)

Other Notes: Will's mom, Sylvia, writes, "William has been delayed since about 9 months old. He was in a special needs preschool for 2 years and we are looking into placing him into community schooling, unless he is unable to cope, otherwise he will still attend the special needs school. We are pursuing biomedical treatment because after reading Jenny McCarthy's book about her son and his treatments we would like to try something since things never seemed right with him after his 9 month or so vaccinations. With 5 children we can ill afford $5000 up-front but believe it to be needed to help William live a normal happy life, plus we have another son who is looking at the same diagnosis, but is 3 years younger."

Reference Provided By: Helen M., Mary G., and Donna B.

Will's Community of Lenders:

>> Sun Valley Tech Solutions: $196
>> Sheri: $55
>> Cathleen: $65
>> Karen F: $115
>> Jeanne: $65
>> Petra: $100
>> Renee: $25
>> Jan: $25
>> Jessica P: $5
>> Dana C: $20
>> Kristina (Jordan's mom): $15
>> Grandma Gini: $232
>> Jill: $5
>> Tiffany (Sevyn's mom): $7
>> Stacie: $10
>> Julia: $5
>> Joan: $75
>> Valerie: $25
Scott: $50 [[auto-reloaned to Christian on 10/5/10]]
>> Margaret: $50
>> Patricia: $30
>> Sean: $10
>> Karen T: $25
>> Steven & Lisa: $10
>> Penny: $10
>> Fiona: $5
Bridget: $21 [[auto-reloaned to Christian on 10/5/10]]
Patti B: $5 [[auto-reloaned to Christian on 10/5/10]]
Robyn: $5 [[auto-reloaned to Christian on 10/5/10]]
>> Helen W: $10
>> Bonnie (Jaden C's mom): $5
>> Michelle O: $30
Namita: $5 [[auto-reloaned to Christian on 10/5/10]]
>> Jeannette: $27
Alanna: $5 [[auto-reloaned to Christian on 10/5/10]]
>> Amy: $10
>> Dr. Matt: $100
>> Erin: $100


August 4, 2010: Will's mom, Sylvia, has closed this loan request. Please see her update below:

I've been meaning to touch base with you.

Things are WONDERFUL!

Please redistribute the funds to those who made a loan on Will's behalf, as over the course of the year I have done a lot of research and in all of it, we have found some things that have worked very well for Will, and this September he is actually starting grade 1 in regular school! We have detoxed his little body, and he is making great strides every day. He is now completely potty trained except for the occasional accident at night time (but all kids do that) and is actually beginning to write.

He will be entering public school completely uncoded other than for his speech, which he still has some difficulties with, but given he was so late to talk, I think it will only improve with working with his Occupational Therapy. ["Uncoded" in Canada means he will be in a mainstream class with no indicators on his permanent records of being autistic. The only thing that will be on his permanent school records is a slight speech delay.]

It is very exciting for us for him to have made such progress this year, and even our youngest son Matthew, who we have been treating in the same manners, has come a long way, and starts in a special ed preschool this September.

Thank you for all you do for the Autism community, and if I can ever be of assistance, please let me know.

Best wishes,

August 4, 2010: To date, 38 individuals have made loans for Will totaling $1,558. All lenders will be sent an email explaining what has happened and asking how they would like to proceed with their funds. Some may wish to roll their loan over to another family on Lend4Health, while some may wish to have their loans refunded. I will do my best to contact everybody who made a loan, and I will put a ">>" mark next to those names who have responded.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

I wish we could fund every one of the loan request here or better yet that all of this was covered by insurance like it should be!! Until then I just wanted to wish you all the best of luck in this journey through Autism! Our children can heal! Recovery is happening!
blessings and love,
tiffany (Sevyn's mama)