
Make a Microloan for 3-yr old Sawyrr's Health!

This loan has been repaid in full!

First Posted On: July 20, 2009

Name: Sawyrr

Age: 3 years old

Location: Michigan, USA

Diagnosis: Autism

Loan Sought: $2,000

Loan Needed For: One-month rental of a hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) chamber, as recommended by Sawyrr's DAN! [Defeat Autism Now!] doctor, Phillip C. Demio.

Repayment Terms: 24 months ($83.33/month)

Other Notes: Sawyrr's mom, Tami, wrote: "Sawyrr is a loving 3 year old who was diagnosed with ASD (autism) at 21 months old. Sawyrr has severe troubles with his GI tract as well as immune deficiencies, metabolic errors, malabsorption, vitamin/mineral deficiencies, and severe sensory issues. Like a lot of children on the spectrum, he is facing too many health issues.

Sawyrr has so much potential and we want the best for him. This means getting him as healthy as possible.

We have been following the DAN! protocol with Sawyrr since April 2008 when we started him on the GF/CF [gluten-free, casein-free] diet. We have seen some great improvements, but lately Sawyrr has been regressing a bit. He still has not started talking and he has been having more and more episodes of screaming, crying, hitting, and biting. There are times he really hurts me and he is only 3 years old.

He also has been running away a lot lately. A couple of weeks ago we went to a festival (it was for special kids and adults this particular day). Sawyrr ran off and was lost. The police, staff, and us were desperately looking for him. Talk about a parent's worst fear! A police officer found him about to jump into the bay. He has run into busy parking lots and streets. We are desperate parents looking for any way to help our son.

The following is a letter from our DAN! Dr. Demio explaining why HBOT could really help our son. He wrote it to help us try to get a grant. I applied to 4 different organizations for grants for the HBOT rental but have not received funding, so I realized I should have also posted this on Lend4Health. This is one last final attempt to get funding, or in this case a loan. It is with a hopeful heart that within one month of HBOT we will be able to tell if this is indeed the start to a much brighter future for our son. Not one filled with dread and fear.........I ask will you help our son??"

Letter from Sawyrr's doctor, Phillip DeMio, MD:

[Sawyrr] is a patient of my practice. I am treating him for nutritional and metabolic deficiencies, GI issues, viral encephalopathy, and an impaired immune system function. I have numerous lab reports to support his medical issues. I have been treating him with a number of dietary supplements and medications daily on an ongoing basis. This patient’s conditions require intense intervention and the treatments that have been administered thus far have been beneficial yet they have not yet created the full results. This patient should now receive the addition of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT). This type of intervention will help treat the above conditions as well as be expected to enhance the protocol that is already in place to address his medical concerns. We use HBOT at our medical practice on a frequent basis because it is an effective therapy.

HBOT does many positive things at the same time that address many of the issues listed above as well as the benefits listed below:

* Improves antioxidant status through upregulation of antioxidant enzymes
* Decreases inflammation
* Helps heal “leaky gut” and improves dysbiosis
* Strengthens the immune system
* Enhances the body’s natural detoxification mechanisms
* Improves oxygenation and blood flow to the brain and GI tract

For this patient, I have recommended the rental of an HBOT in order to do a series of sessions during the 2009 Year:

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: 1.28 ATM, PRN Supplemental O2 adjusted per tolerance, up to one hour, Up to 40 sessions, no more than 2 per day, at least 4 hours apart

Due to this patient’s condition, additional sessions may be recommended depending on his/her response to hyperbaric oxygen therapy and if it is proving to be beneficial in his treatment protocol.

The cost the rental of a Vitaeris 320 Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Unit and the Sequal 10-Liter Oxygen Concentrator Unit is $2,249 for the period of one month.

I am available for any questions or verification regarding this patient’s medical necessity or treatments he is receiving.

P. DeMio, MD

Special Note: This will be the 2nd Lend4Health loan for Sawyrr. His first loan was funded in August 2008 and was for his first DAN! appointment with Dr. Demio. That loan was paid off on time, and the family is in good standing on Lend4Health so is eligible for a 2nd loan.

Reference Provided By: No references are required for repeat Lend4Health loan requesters who are in good standing.

Sawyrr's Community of Lenders:

Amanda Z: $10
Sheri: $40
Sun Valley Tech Solutions: $286 [note: this loan was made outside of ChipIn so the ChipIn goal amount has been reduced by $286]
Karen F: $5
Sun Valley Tech Solutions: $1,659


July 24, 2009: This loan has been fully funded!

July 28, 2009: Promissory note sent to Tami for signature.

August 6, 2009: Signed promissory note received.

August 8, 2009: Loan of $2,000 sent to Tami via check in the mail. This loan is scheduled to be repaid over 24 months, with the first repayment due on November 15 in the amount of $83.33.

November 4, 2009: 1st repayment of $83.33 (due November 15) received early.

December 2, 2009: 2nd repayment of $83.33 (due December 15) received early.

December 10, 2009: Update from Tami: "Hey everyone sorry I haven't given an update yet on Sawyrr. We have been SUPER busy (who isn't these days?) Sawyrr has been doing great overall. We have completed 52 1/2 hours of the mHBOT as of today. We have seen mostly great results. Sawyrr wants so bad to communicate and is getting closer to doing so. He has picked up so many new skills since we have implemented the mHBOT sessions and the transdermal EDTA. I believe both have had a great impact on him. Sawyrr is so much more aware of his surroundings and is playing with toys appropriately (well most of the time LOL). He has come such a long way since we first started on our medical journey. Even though we aren't where we want to be, we are at a great place. Our son always will be the light of our lives no matter what end of the spectrum! He is a joy and a blessing, and so is Lend4Health and all of you. Thank you so much for sharing in our journey! God Bless :)"

January 4, 2010: 3rd repayment of $83.33 (due January 15) received early.

February 4, 2010: 4th repayment of $83.33 (due February 15) received early.

March 3, 2010: 5th repayment of $83.33 (due March 15) received early.

April 12, 2010: 6th repayment of $83.33 (due April 15) received early.

May 14, 2010: 7th repayment of $83.33 (due May 15) received early.

June 9, 2010: 8th repayment of $83.33 (due June 15) received early.

July 9, 2010: 9th repayment of $83.33 (due July 15) received early.

August 10, 2010: 10th repayment of $83.33 (due August 15) received early.

September 4, 2010: 11th repayment of $83.33 (due September 15) received early.

October 12, 2010: 12th repayment of $83.33 (due October 15) received early.

November 12, 2010: 13th repayment of $83.33 (due November 15) received early.

December 14, 2010: 14th repayment of $83.33 (due December 15) received early.

January 14, 2011: 15th repayment of $83.33 (due January 15) received early.

February 14, 2011: 16th repayment of $83.33 (due February 15) received early.

March 11, 2011: 17th repayment of $83.33 (due March 15) received early.

March 22, 2011: 18th repayment of $83.33 (due April 15) received early.

March 22, 2011: 19th repayment of $83.33 (due May 15) received early.

March 22, 2011: 20th repayment of $83.33 (due June 15) received early.

March 22, 2011: 21st repayment of $83.33 (due July 15) received early.

March 22, 2011: 22nd repayment of $83.33 (due August 15) received early.

March 22, 2011: 23rd repayment of $83.33 (due September 15) received early.

March 22, 2011: 24th repayment of $83.41 (due October 15) received early.

March 22, 2011: This loan has been repaid in full, 8 months early!

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