
Make a Microloan for 6-yr old Lauren's Health!

This loan has been repaid in full!

First Posted On: April 28, 2009

Name: Lauren

Age: 6 years old

Location: California

Diagnosis: Autism

Loan Sought: $494

Loan Needed For: A year's membership on DAN! [Defeat Autism Now!] doctor Kurt Woeller's AutismActionPlan.org website. [Note: Lend4Health families receive a $169 rebate on a year's membership to AutismActionPlan.org. AutismActionPlan.org is a very supportive partner of Lend4Health.]

Repayment Terms: 12 months

Other Notes: Lauren's dad, Daniel, writes, "It seems like everyone is struggling these days to make ends meet. My family has helped as much as they can, but they are now in the same state. My daughter Lauren is a sweet girl who displays few behavioral issues anymore but continues to struggle with the most basic speech and comprehension. Her focus is much better after 2 years of 20+ hours a week of ABA with the Lovaas Institute. Her treatments are funded by the Harbor Regional Center and the local school district - the trade-off is we have to live in a costly area (though we found the least expensive place we could). Lauren gets sick often and will be congested about 3-4 nights per week. I'm sure this would be improved through biomedical intervention. Lauren's diet is a real problem. She is very stubborn and refuses to eat fruits and vegetables so we definitely need help. I lost my job at the end of January and have been struggling to make ends meet - and of course it's more expensive to buy healthy foods. I simply can't afford to get her the best treatment, which she deserves. I feel guilty that I could be doing more for my daughter, even though I do my best. She is a very hard worker and an angel of a girl. Thank you for this wonderful program - you are angels on a very important crusade to save our children from a lifetime of dependence and uncertainty. Thank you for your consideration."

Special Note: Daniel learned about Lend4Health through a post on the TACA message board.

Reference Provided By: Dan G. and Brian K.

Lauren's Community of Lenders:

Bridget: $494 [This kind soul also sent an extra $506 as a gift (not a loan) to this family.]


April 29, 2009: This loan was fully funded -- by one person and within one day! That is a first in Lend4Health history! :)

April 29, 2009: Promissory note sent to Daniel for signature.

April 29, 2009: Signed promissory note received from Daniel.

April 29, 2009: Loan of $494 (plus gift of $506) sent to Daniel via PayPal. Loan repayments will begin on June 15, 2009.

May 17, 2009: Great news! Lauren's dad, Daniel, got a job! :)

May 27, 2009: 1st loan repayment installment of $41.17 received, early.

May 27, 2009: 2nd loan repayment installment of $41.17 received, early.

May 27, 2009: 3rd loan repayment installment of $41.17 received, early.

May 27, 2009: 4th loan repayment installment of $41.17 received, early.

May 27, 2009: Partial payment on 5th loan repayment installment received. Total amount due on October 15, 2009, will be $36.85.

October 2, 2009: Remaining payment on 5th loan repayment installment received. The October 15, 2009, has been received in full; early.

October 2, 2009: Update from Dan: "Lauren is doing amazingly well!"

November 18, 2009: 6th loan repayment of $41.17 received, 3 days late.

December 3, 2009: 7th loan repayment of $41.17 received, early.

January 12, 2010: 8th loan repayment of $41.17 (due January 15) received, early.

February 3, 2010: 9th loan repayment of $41.17 (due February 15) received, early.

March 25, 2010: 10th loan repayment of $41.17 (due March 15) paid by lender Bridget, marked late.

March 25, 2010: 11th loan repayment of $41.17 (due April 15) paid by lender Bridget, early.

March 25, 2010: 12th loan repayment of $41.17 (due May 15) paid by lender Bridget, early.

March 25, 2010: This loan has been repaid in full!

March 25, 2010: Lender Bridget (the sole lender on Lauren's loan) has asked not to be repaid from this loan. Her repaid loan from Lauren will be re-loaned to another family.

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