This loan has been repaid in full!

First Posted On: August 5, 2009
Name: Irene
Age: 6 years old
Location: Florida, USA
Diagnosis: Autism
Loan Sought: $300
Loan Needed For: Follow-up phone consultation on September 3, 2009, with Irene's DAN! [Defeat Autism Now!] doctor, Dr. David Berger
Repayment Terms: One lump sum, 12 months after loan fulfilled
Other Notes: Irene's mom, Ivonne, writes, "Irene is an amazing girl who was diagnosed with autism at the age of four. After contacting other families of autistic children and listening to their testimony, we implemented the Gluten Free Casein Free (GFCF) diet for our daughter with great success. Three months after the diagnosis, I had the first visit with Dr. Berger, a DAN Doctor. From that moment on, my daughter’s condition has been improving. Irene, who was non-verbal at the age of five, is now able to communicate through simple sentences. She is also learning to read. That is something.
Like many other children on the spectrum, Irene has metal toxicity, chronic yeast infection, allergies, and metabolic and hormonal imbalance.
This is Irene’s treatment: Super NuThera with P5P, Cod Liver Oil, Kirkman Calcium, Pro bio gold, MB-12 q3d, Folinic acid, Taurine, Selenium, Vitamin D3, Epsom salt baths and Ketoconazole. We just finished the last chelation cycle using DMSA and Glutathione.
I am an immigrant who works full-time as an elementary teacher and I do not have any family members who can help with the cost of Irene’s medical treatment. I have exhausted all my resources and I do not know where else to go to get the money necessary to pay for the treatment that has been working so well for my daughter. We need to discuss with the Doctor how Irene has responded clinically to the chelation, discuss the results of the tests that he ordered during our last consultation in March, and figure out what treatments will be more effective for my child. Thank you for your consideration."
Reference Provided By: Jimena R. and Priscila B.
Irene's Community of Lenders:
Grandma Gini: $5 ["First Cinco de Linco loan...from the Land of Lincoln!"]
Karen F: $5 [Cinco de Linco]
Grandma Gini (again): $41 ["In honor of Chip's 41st birthday, August 6th."]
Karen S: $15
Dana C: $5
Paula: $5 ["Good luck - Children are so important!"]
Petra (Salamander & Potatey's mom): $10 ["I had to. I just had to."]
Bahar: $5 ["I am 7 years old. My mommy started Lend4Health. I hope you feel better soon!"]
Lisa: $25
Grandma Gini: $38 ["In honor of Sandi & Bob Wilson's 38th wedding anniversary."]
Paula (again): $5
Angela: $10
Renee: $15
Grandma Gini: $27 ["In honor of Jeff Meyers' 58th birthday on August 27, 2009."]
Grandma Gini: $27 ["In honor of Kennedy Skinner's 5th birthday on August 27, 2009."]
Dana C (again): $13
Manuel: $20 ["Hope this helps!"]
Petra (again): $11
Charlie: $17
August 26, 2009: This loan has been fully funded!
August 27, 2009: Promissory note sent to Ivonne for signature.
August 27, 2009: Signed promissory note received from Ivonne.
August 28, 2009: Loan of $300 sent to Ivonne via PayPal. This loan is scheduled to be repaid in one lump sum on September 1, 2010.
August 28, 2009: Thank you note from Ivonne: "Dear lenders, We wanted to let you all know how much we appreciated what you have done for us. Helping our daughter recover from autism is a long and difficult journey. Knowing we have the support of people like you surely helps. You are truly making a difference in our daughter's life. Thank you on behalf of Irene, gracias from the bottom of our hearts.
Ivonne and Ramón
Irene's Parents
September 4, 2009: Update from Ivonne: "We had the consultation with Dr. Berger. Things look better. The lead level came out OK. We are going to make another chelation cycle with DMSA, in case there is more lead "hiding" in her body. Irene is beginning to take a compounded medicine (I do not remember the name) to regulate the adrenal function. The minerals and vitamins are where we want them to be for the first time, so we will stick to our current regime. We are going to forget about yeast for now (we tried everything already, what a nightmare) since Irene is clinically improving. In three months we will repeat the tests and talk to him. Thank you again for helping us. Ivonne"
October 19, 2009: Update from Ivonne: "Irene is doing better, particularly in school. We had one of those killing viruses but it is over now. Ramon, Irene's father, is back from Spain. He got connected with several galleries [he is an artist]. Saludos, Ivonne"
August 27, 2010: Lump-sum repayment of $300 received, early (due September 1, 2010). This loan has been repaid in full!
August 27, 2010: Update from Ivonne: "Thank God Irene is doing VERY WELL. I cannot tell you how happy we are. She is talking "Spanglish" and improving her social skills. Her imagination and sense of humor are amazing (her therapist says she could be a comedian). She enjoys inventing stories and illustrating them (I never thought an autistic kid could do that). Her universe has expanded to the extent that she is projecting into her "future." (When she grows up, she wants to be a teacher and "take me" to Egypt and China).
As other parents of autistic kids, we keep working to help our child rise above the challenges imposed by her condition. The biomedical treatment plays an important part in that. Making possible that appointment last September was a big opportunity for us. Thank you again and good luck in your important mission."
$5 more dollars. Love the Cinco de Linco.
Yay! So glad they were funded in time for her appointment!!!
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